How big does a garden office need to be?
You’d be surprised just how little space you need for a garden office. Nowadays, the working environment is geared towards a paperless society, with everything backed up to the cloud. This is great, for those working from home, as it it could mean you only need a desk and a chair.
As you can see, this micro pod garden office takes up virtually no space, whilst providing a clean, smart and professional working space, away from the distractions of the house.

How warm is a garden office in winter
Great News…. Our garden offices are fully insulated with top quality insulation, which means that even when the snow is on the ground, you can work outside. In addition to the heater, the building also maintains the heat from the lights and the computer within the room. That makes it a super efficient space, which is much cheaper to heat than the main house during working hours.
In terms of a heater, our garden offices only require a small electric heater to quickly make the room as warm as toast. TIP: We would recommend an electric heater as opposed to an oil based heater due to the efficiency and running costs.

Does a garden office get damp
Not only do our garden offices include insulation, they also benefit from a moisture barrier. This prevents damp getting through the cladding, even if you forget to treat the outside of the building. In effect, it means you require less maintenance to the garden office.
To help with the reduced maintenance, we provide household quality doors and windows in u-PVC. These are available in a wide range of colours, each of which can change the look of the building.
Ultimately, the garden office is a suitable building for books and magazines. We have even had a customer that transformed his garden office into a small library.
TIP: You might exchange the laminate flooring for a carpet, as this will keep the ambient temperature warmer during the colder months, especially if the heater doesn’t feature a frost control.

Garden Office Lighting
All of our garden offices have recessed lighting in the ceiling. In most cases, spotlights are the preferred choice, however the new LED panels provide exceptional light throughout the building.
The advantage with the spotlights, is the dimmable function and the similarity that you get with a room in the house. The compromise with the downlights, is the sharpness of light that you get with the LED panels.
If you consider that the building is a working space, the look and functionality of the panels often gets the vote, unless you are combining the space as a garden room as well as an office.
Other garden office ideas about lighting, include adding Alexa to the bulbs so that they can be controlled from outside the room.

Garden Office Furniture
To help design the inside of your garden office, a great tip is to use the Ikea room planner. Not only does this provide a 3D visual of the room size, it also allows you to add desks, chairs and storage. It even includes rugs, tv’s and pictures on the wall. Whilst you may end up purchasing furniture elsewhere, it is a great tool to help you plan the interior. It does however, keep a shopping list of what you’ve added, in case you want to buy later.
Other garden office ideas about how to furnish the inside include, visiting a local auction house, or purchasing items from eBay.
Ikea Room Planner
Garden Office Ideas – Businesses
Not all garden offices are used for office work. Some of our work from home customers run small businesses from their homes in our buildings. For example Kathryn’s Cakes in Burntwood is based in a traditional 2.4m x 3.8m garden office, and is the workspace for some outstanding Wedding, Christmas and Birthday cakes.
See Kathryn's Cakes
Nail Bar Salon
Another use for a garden office, is a Nail Bar or Hairdressing Salon. To give you an idea of how to set up your own small business, why not call over and see our show room.
We’ve used furniture from The Salon Equipment Centre in Lutterworth, to showcase our buildings.
Alternative uses for our garden offices have included Recording Studios, Film Producing Studios, Art Studios, Model Railway Workshops, Bowen Technique Studios, and Osteopath Studios.